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CES Day Four: Your Child’s First Cell Phone, Wherify

CES Day Four: Your Child’s First Cell Phone, Wherify

Notification of Absences. Attendance Communication. Tardies. Make-Up Work. Bring Your Own Device. Cell Phones. Cafeteria Program. Lunch with your Child.. Cell Phone Policy/Changes in Transportation. 16 ... assistant principal, and the entire CES staff; we will strive daily to provide our students with a ... revise your child's attendance record to indicate the day(s) missed are recorded as excused ... Mississippi state law requires each district to verify that the parents or guardians of.. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices ... Community Elementary offers full day kindergarten. ... the building with your child, please park at Sherwin Williams or The First ... The CES attendance policy applies to all students enrolled in school. ... Absences that are verified by a parent note or phone call do not exempt the absences.. PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS AND CES STUDENT DIRECTORY ... the ninth absence, your child will have an unexcused absence on their school record. ... will notify the parents of all students involved in a verified act of bullying within 48 hours ... day, cell phones must remain in the student's backpack/book bag.. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you and your child to the 2019-2020 ... Our hardworking and talented staff at CES ... Remember to check our school website, as well as your teacher newsletters ... CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC ... A student who arrives after 12:25 pm will be considered absent for the day.. Taking Your Child(ren) During the School Day ... harms someone through the use of technology such as cell phone, email, Instant Messaging, and chat rooms.. 1st-3rd Grade Early Bird/Late Bird Schedule: Early Birds: ... Parents or legal guardians must notify the school of their child's absence(s) ... must be verified by a parental note or phone call. In as much ... If a student uses a cell phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and the child's.... Sibling Attendance at CES School Day Events ... Centerville Elementary School nurtures the development of the whole child in partnership with ... During the first week of school every student receives a copy of the Frederick County School ... *Cell phone use is strictly prohibited in our car rider line and against the law in the.... connections between the child's day at school and their life at home. ... The new first grade student must have successfully completed kindergarten. Proof of ... Current bill for electric, gas, water, sewer, cable or landline (cell phone not acceptable). ... Champion Local Schools has permission to complete a residency check.. information from Sherman Oaks CES and available on the enrollment appointment ... A COPY of your child's ENTIRE current I.E.P. or 504 Plan if applicable (Will not be applicable ... Date of Birth (Month/Day/Year): ____/____/_____ ... First. Middle. Preferred Name (If Applicable):. Home Phone Number. Cell Phone Number.. At the beginning of each year, on your child's first day of school, he/she will ... impossible to verify by phone or voicemail that we are communicating with a parent ... for student cell phones that are damaged, lost, stolen, etc. at CES or at any.. Acknowledgement of CES Parent/Student Handbook ... Your child will receive the best education when you and our dedicated teachers ... First Student Day ... (AU)- no verification or parental contact concerning absence. ... As per LCSC policy, a student may have a cell phone at school if it is turned off and kept in backpack.. If for any reason your child needs to leave early (before 3:10), you must sign them out in the elementary office and send a note to the classroom teacher the day.... information from Sherman Oaks CES and available on the enrollment appointment ... A COPY of your child's ENTIRE current I.E.P. or 504 Plan if applicable (Will not ... First. Middle. 3. 4. 5. Day. 6. Home Telephone Number. Cell/Pager Number.. All forms are accessible on the CES Website Family Tab top of page- ... In case of an emergency we need to know how to contact you by phone, cell phone, and address. ... We will not be able to change your child's stop on a one day basis. ... at home or to pick up your child at school on Emergency Early Dismissal days.. CES. 12. FBE. 13. Dress Code. 13. Early Release Days. 14. EEO/Civil Rights ... Student absences, tardies, check-ins, and checkouts will be recorded on a ... provide a written excuse to the teacher on the day your child returns from an absence. ... including by electronic means such as cell phone, text message and email.. If your child is five years old on or before January 1, 2017,. (s)he is ... This form is available in the CES office or at the Colchester Public Schools Board of ... (Check 1 or more even if you answered Yes to the Hispanic/Latino question) ... Cell Phone: ... Physical exams scheduled after the first day of school are not valid for.. Website: ... Put your child's first and last name, grade, and teacher in the body of ... If your child will be parent pick up on a given day, this ... parent/guardian is required for verification of all student absences. ... Please keep us informed of home, work and cell phone number changes.. student's age must be verified by a certificate of birth. ... If you are picking your child up after school you may enter the building no earlier than 1:50 to sign them ... These books will be distributed to students on the first day of school. ... brings the news directly to parents through email, cell phone, home phone, and/or PDA's.. With a strong commitment from a diverse and highly qualified staff, C.E.S. is the primary ... Parents should also make note of scheduled early dismissal days. ... Make sure all clothing is labeled with your child's first and last name. ... property or at a program activity or during a program communication (e.g., cell phone) shall:.


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